Selling Your House Now – Opportunity or Necessity?

Selling a House Now can be Bountiful or Challenging We all thought that the real estate market last year was going to be a train wreck. The impact of COVID was sure to devastate the real estate market. Complete opposite. The 2020 year for real estate was unprecedented. And, so far, 2021 shows the same […]

Selling a House As-Is vs Retail

Selling “As-Is” versus “Retail” I talk about this a lot because at least once a week, someone asks me the difference. And sometimes, it is a Realtor. There is a general understanding that putting a house for sale “as-is” means there is no expected negotiation due to condition. Generally, that is true. What is misunderstood […]

3 Tips When Considering Investment Properties

Important Tips for Investment Properties Just to be clear, this is not about how to gauge the Cap Rate, NOI, GOI, ARV, etc., etc., when considering investment properties. This article is meant for people just starting to contemplate investment ownership. The idea of buying and managing an investment property is intimidating. Heck, we were with […]

Selling a Home As-Is, What it Means to Sellers and Buyers

Not every realtor, or homeowner or prospective homeowner,  understands what selling a home as-is means It sounds obvious, but sometimes there is confusion. When selling a home as-is, for sellers it means when an inspection is done, it is for the buyer’s information purposes. Not for negotiation. For buyers, it sets the expectation of a listing […]

Common Reasons Home Sales are Cancelled

Home sales get cancelled all too often It happens. More than you may realize. Especially in a seller favored market. The process of buying (selling) a home is lengthy and there are many steps. For some people, the process seems to only include looking at homes and putting in offers. It takes a lot more […]

Selling a house, but not on the MLS? Be informed!

Not selling your house on the MLS? Know your options and know your buyer! Too often we hear the horror stories from people selling a house and they didn’t like the buyer or it fell apart. Yes, we buy houses to renovate (remodel, rehab, whatever you want to to call it) and then either rent […]

Connecticut Home Foreclosures are Restarting

COVID Restrictions on Foreclosures may be Ending At the start of the COVID pandemic and the institution of protective measures such as social distancing, the government put a hold on the processing of current or newly filed foreclosures. There was a 90-day pause instituted to give homeowners and banks a chance to work through the […]

Selling a house in Connecticut – It’s a Good Market

It is a great time for selling a house (fast) in Connecticut Back in May, we took a look at the Connecticut Real Estate Market (through April, 2020) and the effect of COVID. This was a review of the Median Sales Price and how it increased in Connecticut despite COVID. As we rolled into the […]